Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In a Funk

I have been all over the place. My dad was in the hospital (just came home today), my sister was in the hospital (a different one -- something with her heart) so I was taking care of my son and hers for about a week, and then I have been dealing with Asswipe (that is now his name in my cellphone) about $$. He has been emailing me asking me to pay him $2700 for my 40% share of the travel costs for HIS fucking visitation. Can you BELIEVE THAT??? He owes me $18,000, but he expects ME to send HIM a check!!!! ASAP, no less!!! What a fucking moron. Anyway, Carina comes back next Wed night, then we go to a pretrial confreence on Thurs. (yipp-fucking-ee) My stomach is already a mess. I can't eat anything without it going right through me. I've lost more weight, to the point where people at work are commenting about it. Normally that would be good, but it's not because I feel like crap and my ass really hurts. (sorry to be so gross!!!)

I'm still dating the guy I met on, it's OK, really just more of a way to pass time and get some. God, that sounded awful. But it's true. He's nice, kinda funny. Definitely has "issues" (I guess we all do.) I don't look at it like, "Oh, I want to be with him and ONLY him." God, I don't know if I'll ever be like that with anyone ever again. Do you ever think that way too? Maybe I'm just too jaded right now. I don't know. Part of me is pissed that Asswipe has a girlfriend and is treating her nice and taking her places. I was the mother of his children, his WIFE, and he treated me like crap. I asked him to take me out on a date once EVERY OTHER MONTH. i asked for this REPEATEDLY. I would tell him that's what I wanted for my birthday, for Christmas, etc. NEVER HAPPENED.
i sound so bitter today. :( I don't like it.