Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ah, to be 40...

OK, I am CHOOSING to be happy. I am CHOOSING to have a positive outlook today. Turning 40 doesn't bother me, it has just been a tough week. But I know things could be sooooo much worse. I mean, I need a new car, I am basically homeless (I live with my sister in her house), but at least I have a good job. And I am healthy, as are my kids. It could be a lot worse. Sooooooo... I can choose to wallow in self-pity, act like a "victim", you know the song, "boo hoo, everything happens TO ME, everyone does things TO ME, nothing is fair TO ME, blah blah blah" (OK, not a real song, but the one that we all sing from time to time, nonetheless...) OR, I can choose to view all of this as yet another challenge. And we ALL know this one: Whatever doen't kill us only makes us stronger. And I believe that, I really do. So I am choosing challenge. I can and will get through this challenging time, yet again. I am stronger every day, and I know that God would NEVER hand me something I couldn't handle. EVER. He knows I can do this. So, if God has faith in me, who am I not to??

I CAN do this, and I WILL do this. Will it be easy? Probably not. But anything really worth having usually doesn't come easy (I know, cliche, but true), at least not in my experience. Doesn't matter. I CAN, and I WILL.

"Wiggle your big toe." (from Kill Bill Vol. 2 -- a great lesson in will and choices!)

Thanks for reading/listening...

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