Monday, May 19, 2008

Good Monday, So Far...

Hey, hey, hey,
So it's Monday again, but so far so good. I spent the weekend with the kiddos -- it was Jake's 2nd birthday, the Fucktard forgot (big surprise). NBD. Anyway, Jakie had a good weekend, and the weather was surprisingly nice.
My cousin came down from Maine Fri nite and we went out for a night of good seafood, spirits, and general debauchery. Oh, and I DO mean DEBAUCHERY. No, no casual sex was involved, but we had a fabulous time -- I haven't laughed that hard, that long, in a long time. Probably not since I went to Puerto Rico with Misty and the crew last November.
Anyway, haven't been on the treadmill since last Thursday, but still feeling OK in my skin, the hives (I get them when I am stressed) are going away, and I'll get back on the exercise wagon tonight... it really is just as good for my mind as it is for my body. My patience level drops when I don't bang it out...hey, at least I realize it!!
I spent last Friday all upset over this guy I was falling for, but then exchanged emails with a good friend here, and she put things WAY into perspective. Then I got a little angry, but now I am FINE. And, I am DONE. I AM DONE. Hear that, Jackass???
Hope everyone that reads this has a great day, and a great week. Thank you for reading, listening and caring. It helps IMMENSELY!!!

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